The technology curriculum is based on the standards developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). ISTE is an association dedicated in educating teachers and administrators on how to integrate technology effectively for quality student learning and teaching practices. ISTE’s most important contribution is the ISTE Standards. These sets of comprehensive educational technology standards were developed to ensure effective and quality teaching and learning through the use of technology. The ISTE Standards for Students were developed to ensure effective and quality teaching and learning through the use of technology. ISTE-standards-based units and lessons are developed to provide students with the opportunity to innovate, think creatively, communicate, collaborate, gain information fluency, develop higher-order thinking skills, exhibit digital citizenship, and learn technology concepts and operations. The knowledge and skills gained from the units will help set the students on a path to becoming productive citizens.
ISTE also developed technology standards for teachers and administrators. The standards for teachers focus more on how teachers use technology to foster creative student learning, create authentic assessments, model 21st century skills, demonstrate digital citizenship, and improve themselves through educational technology professional development. The standards for administrators focus on digital leadership skills, the ability to develop a technology-integrated learning culture for their organization, and the ability to use information and technology resources to advance their organization.